Salka Law LLC was founded on three core principles:
Our clients can trust that they will always receive the highest quality of personalized representation. Salka Law LLC will aggressively and efficiently represent their interests.
Salka Law LLC's unwavering commitment to advocate for its clients' individualized needs places Salka Law LLC in a class above the competition.
Excellence, integrity, and dedication generate results. Period.
Trust. Commitment. Results. That's Salka Law LLC.
Business/Employer Representation
Salka Law LLC counsels and defends businesses and employers on all aspects of Labor & Employment Law including litigation avoidance, risk mitigation, and day-to-day compliance. From handbooks and training to advice and advocacy, Salka Law LLC has you covered.
Salka Law LLC efficiently negotiates and provides counsel on all aspects of severance/separation pay, from full analysis and negotiation of severance/separation agreements to counseling on best practices and policies. Let our extensive experience successfully resolving severance/separation pay issues work for you.
Salka Law LLC has drafted hundreds of employment handbooks for small and large businesses in New Jersey and New York. From updating existing employee handbooks to drafting new legally compliant handbooks (including sick leave and sexual harassment policies), let our Firm be your company’s choice for its employee handbook.
Every day, our Firm provides human resources counseling for small and large businesses in New York and New Jersey. We know your HR matters are time-sensitive – that is why we work around the clock to provide on the spot (and easy to understand) HR advice.